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Great inspirational Stories

1. The man And The little Cat

One day, a old man was having a stroll in the forest .When he suddenly saw a little cat in the stuck in a hole. The poor animal was struggling to get out. 

So, he gave him his hand to get him out. But the cat scratched his hand with fear. The men pulled his hand screaming with pain. But he did not stop ; he tried to give a hand to the cat again and again.

Another man was watching the scene, screamed with surprise, " for God sakes! Stop helping this cat! He is going to get himself out of there".

The other man did not take care about him, he just continued to saving that until he finally succeeded. And then walked to that man and said, " Son it is cat instinct that make him scratch and to hurt and it is many job to love and care".

Moral : Treat anyone around you with your ethics, not with theirs. Treat the people the way you want to treated by them.

2. The Group of Frogs

As a group of frogs travelling through the woods, two of them pull into a deep pit. When the other frogs crowded around the pit and the saw how deep it was, they told the two frogs that they are was no hope left for them.

However the two frogs decided to ignores what the others were saying and proceeds to try and jump out of the pit. Despite, the efforts the group of frogs at the top of he pit were still saying that they should just give up. That they would never make it out. 

Eventually, one of the frogs took heed to what the others were saying and gave up, falling down to the death the frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. 

He jumped even harder and finally made hit out. When he get out, the frogs said, did you not hear us?

The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

Moral of the story: people word's can have a big effect on other lives. Think about what you say before he comes out of your mouth. It might just be the difference between life and death.


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